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Latest News from FEAM and its network – July 2019


2nd European ONE HEALTH Conference

FEAM recently participated at the 2nd European ONE HEALTH Conference in Bucharest (21-22 June 2019) jointly organised with the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Spiru Haret University. The FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum organised a policy sessionto discuss the issue of Pharmaceuticals (including antimicrobials) in the environment. A full summary report will follow soon. More about the Conference, including video interviews, can be found here.

FEAM welcomes a new team member

Rosa Castro joins FEAM as Senior Scientific Policy Officer to oversee FEAM’s policy activities. She holds a PhD in Law and Economics and an MA in Bioethics and Science Policy. Dr Castro has been postdoctoral researcher at the European University Institute (EUI) and at Duke University (North Carolina), a Lecturer on Intellectual Property Law and International Health Law (LUISS University and University of Bologna respectively). More recently, she worked as Senior Policy Advisor at a Brussels-based consultancy. Her previous scholarly publications are available here.

Contact: rosa.castro@feam.eu 

FEAM upcoming events

Migration and Health Conference (Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium | 22 November 2019) – Save the date

Recent changes in the scale and distribution of forced migrants across the globe are posing challenges to healthcare systems in host European countries. The WHO has called countries to promote the health of refugees and migrants. This Conference will raise awareness on particular medical, physical, and mental health aspects as well as geopolitical and social implications of migration.  Hosted by the Belgian Academies of Medicine (ARMB and KAGB) and co-organised with the French Academy of Medicine.

A registration link and programme will follow.



Horizon scanning: the future of medical research

What does the future hold for medicine and health? The UK Academy of Medical Sciences surveyed its Fellowship and held seven workshops across the UK to find the areas of research and innovation most likely to transform the health of society in 30 year’s time. To know more about this initiative watch the YouTube video here

Advanced International Breast Cancer Course (AIBCC) – 15th Meet the Professor – Padua, October 10th – 12th 2019

A multidisciplinary management of patients is key to tackle breast cancer. The 15th Breast Cancer Conference programme – organized by the Accademia Nazionale di Medicina – will include lectures on molecular characterization, updated treatments of early and advanced disease, management of difficult cases and hereditary syndromes, and clinical case discussions and debates. More information about the course, poster session, awards and fellowships can be found on the official webpage

EASAC: Climate action urgently required to protect human health in Europe

The new EASAC report “The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe” (June 2019), highlights an alarming range of health risks due to climate change. The report also considers the benefits of acting now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to stabilise the climate.

Download the report

Academies call for a sustainable European data governance approach

The European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) and the UK Royal Society jointly published a Discussion Paper on ‘Flourishing in a data-enabled society’ on 28 June 2019 in Berlin. Based on discussions during an ALLEA/Royal Society conference (November 2018, Chicheley, UK), the paper calls for a coordinated approach across disciplines and sectors to ensure data and digital technologies support human flourishing.

For more information, click here

AE Cardiff Hub supports ‘ASTHMA STILL KILLS’ report

Following an Asthma UK meeting hosted by the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub last year, Asthma UK has released a new report “Asthma still kills: Urgent priorities for the international research community to treat, prevent and cure asthma“.

For more information about the publication, click here

To download the report, click here




Regenerative Medicine: Scientific Advances and Regulatory Framework in Europe


The FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum is delighted to invite you at the next workshop on “REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: Scientific Advances and Regulatory Framework in Europe” that will take place on the 27th November 2019 in Brussels (Palace des Academies). The full programme will follow soon.

Registration link

Event information

Deal for science: open petition

EU-LIFEEuroScience and Wellcome Trust have recently launched a petition calling for an agreement on scientific collaboration between the UK and the EU to avoid potential disruptive effects from Brexit. Individual researchers across Europe are encouraged to sign the petition.

For more information and to sign the petition visit openpetition.eu/dealforscience

HOPE Exchange Programme 2020

Since 1981, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) has been running an exchange programme over a 4-week training period to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise within Europe and to provide training and experience for hospital and healthcare professionals. The HOPE Exchange Programme 2020 will start on 11 May and will end on 7 June 2020 with the HOPE Agora 2020 (5-7 June 2020, Brussels) on “Using Evidence in Healthcare Management”.

For more information, click here



IAP Health statement: A call for action to declare trauma as a disease

Every year injuries kill more than 5 million. They have been considered the number one killer and crippler of children and youngsters for more than 20 years, yet, in most countries, acute injuries (also known as trauma) are still considered ‘accidents’. Member academies of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Health issued ‘A call for action to declare trauma as a disease’. Drawing attention to the need for a strong paradigm shift, the statement encourages countries not only to control but also to prevent trauma by considering it as a disease with an integrated comprehensive approach in their health agenda. The statement was released during the 7th World Health Summit Regional Meeting and has been endorsed by more than half of the member academies of the network.

To know more about this initiative, please visit the official website

Open consultations: Horizon Europe

The EU Commission has started to prepare its ‘Horizon Europe Strategic Plan (2021-2024)’ and it is currently inviting stakeholders to co-design future research and innovation investments. The ‘Horizon Europe Strategic Plan’ will then need to be endorsed by the next Commission towards the end of 2019 and it is subject to an agreement between the European Parliament and Council on the EU’s long-term budget (2021-2027).

More information about the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan can be found here.

WHO expert advisory committee on Developing global standards for governance and oversight of Human Genome editing

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on April 2019, the membership of the WHO Expert Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome editing. The Committee will examine the scientific, ethical, social and legal challenges associated with Human Genome editing with the aim to provide advise and recommendations on appropriate governance mechanisms for Human Genome editing.

For additional information, click here

Science Advice for Policy by European Academies – SAPEA

As one of the five academic partners involved in the EU-funded project SAPEA, FEAM has acted as lead network in two recent projects: A scientific perspective on microplastics in nature and society (review report published in January 2019), and Transforming the future of ageing, (report recently published in June 2019).

Additional information about previous events can be found here.

Transforming the future of ageing: Radio Notre Dame interview

“Society must tackle the challenges presented by ageing in every generation – not left until old age”, this is the key conclusion of a major new Evidence Review Report entitled Transforming the Future of Ageing, published on the 27 June 2019 by SAPEA and led by FEAM. Recently, a video interview to Prof Jean-Pierre Michel – lead of the TFA report – was released together with an article published by the French press Le Figaro.

To watch the video interview on Radio Notre Dame, click here

To download the report, click here

To read the article published by Le Figaro, click here


Public events will be organized in the coming months to present the outlines of the report:

  • Madrid – 1 October 2019 – Real Nacional Academia de Medicina de Espana
  • Rome – 5 November 2019 – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei


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