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FEAM Endorses Progress: Signing Two EPACT Alliance Position Papers on Reformed Pharmaceutical Legislation

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The Federation of European Academies of Medicines has signed two EPACT Alliance position papers related to the reformed Pharmaceutical Legislation.  After the European Commission submitted its proposal for the reformed Pharmaceutical Legislation in April 2023, the EPACT Alliance – a project run by EHMA – has written two position papers on crucial healthcare issues.

The first paper addresses the availability and shortages of medicines in hospital settings. FEAM welcomes the strong emphasis that the reformed pharmaceutical legislation places on tackling medicine shortages in the EU. The Federation also encourages the leverage of technology to assist professionals in stock management, aiming to optimize both time and financial resources and the enhancement of medication availability and traceability in hospitals. You can read the position paper here. 

In addition, FEAM has endorsed a second EPACT Alliance position paper on pharmacovigilance and patient safety. The Federation supports the ongoing reform of pharmaceutical legislation and its commitment to patient safety by improving access to safe and effective medicines. To avoid medication errors, the European Union must close gaps in the current EU pharmacovigilance and better protect the health of European citizens. You can read the second position paper here. 

Both these endorsements underscore FEAM’s support for legislative changes that prioritize patient well-being, reflecting its commitment to advancing healthcare standards across the European pharmaceutical landscape. 


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